402 Palmetto St

This is a Single-Family Home, 402 Pametto St 78412 is located in Ocean Terrace subdivision in Nueces County. This home has 1421 building square feet, the lot size 8333 sqft. or 0.191 acres and was built in 1956.

6913 Eckner

View 10530 Hemlock Rd Virtual Tour 10530 Hemlock Rd

This is a Single-Family Home located at 10530 Hemlock Road, Corpus Christi, TX. This property has approximately 1,292 square feet. The property has a lot size of 6,913 sqft and was built in 1980.

View Tarafaya Virtual Tour Tarafaya

This is a sample of a High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography shoot. As you can see from the images there is a very wide tonal range which gives the pictures more detail in both the shadow and highlight areas of the photograph. The Platinum Virtual Tour is included with all photographic shoot orders.